A Big Brothers Big Sisters’ match is carefully administered and held to the strictest standards. Agency staff strives for matches that are not only safe and well suited to each child’s needs, but also harmonious and built to last.
But don’t just think of us as simply matchmakers. We provide ongoing support and supervision to the Big, the Little, and the Little’s family. We offer training and advice to help ensure that the match is working for everyone involved. And our local agencies even receive their own ongoing training and consulting from the Big Brothers Big Sisters national office. It is this web of support that helps maximize the likelihood that a Big Brothers Big Sisters relationship will thrive and change a child’s life for the better. Forever.
Does my child qualify for the program?
- Live in Spokane County
- Child needs to be between the ages of 6-18 years
- Child needs to be willing to meet with a volunteer 2-4 hours, 2-4 times a month
- Child displays a need and want of a mentor
- Parent/Guardian is supportive of the child being involved in the program
- Parent/Guardian is willing to attend a “Parent Training” course
- Commit to an 12 month participation in the program
- Attend a Parent/Guardian and Child interview
For more information about being a Big please contact Ken Shelton, Enrollment & Matching Specialist at [email protected] or (509) 328-8312 ext.101